
Audit Programme Version 10 (UK) March 2023


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Do you struggle with producing audit files that will comply with Auditing Standards and Regulations, whilst still providing a quality service and making a profit?

We have invaluable experience in assisting firms to improve and maintain standards, as well as experience in the development of user friendly programmes and documentation to assist practitioners in their work.

We have used these skills to develop an audit programme which is fully compliant with the latest International Standards of Auditing (UK). The Audit Programme can be separated so that it can be used for both small and larger clients according to your requirements.

Key features of the programme include:

  • Detailed planning section – allowing you to identify risk areas and determine the best approach.
  • Contains detailed internal control checklists.
  • Audit tests for all key areas and financial statement assertions.
  • Guidance notes to help in the completion of the programme.
  • The programmes can be printed off for manual completion or they can be easily completed on screen using the functions within Microsoft Word to make them easily navigatable.

To download a PDF file of an extract from the product, click the Request PDF tab below and fill in your details.

The latest version V10 has been updated in March 2023 for ISA (Uk) 315 Identifying and assessing the risk of material mis-statement, ISA (UK) 240 (revised) Auditors responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of Financial Statements, ISA (UK) 220 (revised) Quality management on an audit of Financial Statements, changes in best practice, feedback from firms using the programme in practice and new areas of focus from the Regulators.

The product is available via web login and only relevant in the UK. On purchase, you will be sent an email which will give you access to the product at www.pcpproducts.com.

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